Sigh^.^~~I missed the phrase of the house at the west of the Ponteras Fountains~~~waste too much time. Finally we can go to new maps right now.
After a long journey, we arrived at the south of the desert where the next mission locates, but there a king's servant asked us to get sth for him, or he will not let us go, and now I am stuck with some mummies in the Forgotten Cave.

After we got at Morroc, there releases several quests, but we need to do firstly is to research the Morroc Coal Mine. I believe there will be the third Boss inside. The Mine is too hot for Chide to get in, so we go to ask the strange man lying on the ground for sunbath, and he told us the secret to get some Marin's Tear to avoid the heat.
In the Mine we found a dying man told us that all the monsters are summoned by his mate, and now in the Mine has an Ifrit. Let's defeat him!!!
How did after he killed the vesper boss?
回复删除I can not spend the game after vesper killed the boss, you know how to proceed?