My Iphone 4 was broken down yesterday and I had to replace a new one and lost all my database. So I need to replay the Pocket RPG all over again. That is why I choose the Character of Battle Mega to complete the rest maps.
Fifth Quest:
No Beast is Stronger, Nor more Intent Upon Mankind's Destruction. Than the Golem.

In this map there are a lot of the traps than the other maps. Just at the beginning a large rock will roll just after us, and we can not let it to touch us otherwise it will knock us down directly. So just keep running and shoot all the targets in front of us to escape the trep.

The next Boss is a Big Orc, just like the other ones, keep running circle around him and shoot he will die directly.

The following will be two snake monsters which will summon lots of small monsters and shoot fire to us. Be careful of the fire and do not struggle with the small monsters, use the magic directly on the boss.
And finally we got the final boss of this stage, the Golem. this boss is quite hard, we need to attack him a lot times before we can defeat him. His main skill is to roll straight to you, avoid that one and we can reach the victory,
Next Quest is:
The Forces of Evil have Overrun this Kingdom. To Kill a Snake You've Got to Cut Off Its Head.
This stage is quite short and easy.
The first bosses are a bunch of bombs, very easy to kill, just do not let them explore beside you.
And after several stages with on boss, we can arrive the final boss: The Snake Brothers, they are quite like the snake monsters in the former stage. But more small monsters and more time.
Next and the Last Quest:
Fight Your Way Through Its Murderous Armies and Face the Master of Oblivion.

This stage is quite long with various bosses.

The first one is the Statue that we need to break. A lot of the Bomb monsters will go after us, and the statue itself will shoot out the ice ball to chase us. Just be aware of these two and we can easily break it down. There will be another two statues in the following map, a little bit more difficult but not too much.
The following will be another Orc monsters but this one can use the magic to attack us. And in this map it has a lot of the traps, we especially need to be careful of the four fire traps locate at the four corners, when we circle around, they can easily attack us badly.

As the Name of the stage, the final boss is a fire dragon, this is the hardest boss in the whole game, I took almost 15 minutes to kill him. At first there will be a lot of the small monsters and the boss has two skills, one of them is a fire Line from his mouth direct to us, it is deadly, do not let it touch us. The second skill of the boss is a jump attack. It will jump to the sky and fall down to where you just stand, we need to keep moving to avoid this one.
And then we defeat the Game.
Howard's Opinion:
Pocket RPG is a good game but not a great one. The innovation is good and the control is good. But the story line is too short and the whole system is too simple. We can easily upgrade all the skills and items. The stages are also less of challenges, the boss fight has no difficulties. The Pocket Game is more like a Free version Game, and not worth for 0.99 dollar.