The Very First Quest is :
Trouble With Slimes
Someone or Something is organizing the slims. Find their Leader and End this Menace.
It is a 4 level Dungeon, and I have met 2 bosses.

The second Boss which is also the final Boss is an Orc with some small minions. The map there has different organs, so just get the Boss on the organs and he will die himself.
It is the first Dungeon, so it has little difficluties.
Let's go to the next one:
The Abominable Yeti
The once Fertile Forest Lands have been retaken by an Beastly Evil.

We will face the third Boss right after the gate, it is a large Tree Monster which will summon plenty of small trees to attack us, and also it has a skill to rang attack us. Just go around the map avoid to step on the orgen and be surrounded by all the mongsters, we can defeat it.

The Last boss has one more skill than the other ones, it can pull us right in front of him, and attacks us. So we need to get away from him ASAP. Be aware of this we can defeat it easily.
The third Quest is:
Rise Of The LichLord
The Lord of the Dead is Waking. Find it Before it Sucks All the Life From This World.
The first Boss here is a Wizard which can summon endless Undead Minions, but itself is quite weak, we can defeat it very quickly.

The last one is the LichLord, it also can summon the undead soldier, but it can teleport in the map, so it will be a little bit annoying to attack him and we also need to be aware of the organs. Just cost more time we can defeat the LichLord easily.